Thursday, November 17, 2022

Red Rock Canyon

I was lucky enough to get the chance to visit my best friend Emily and her husband Mike in Las Vegas. It was nothing but wonderful times as soon as they picked me up from the airport.

The view of the mountains from the airport just after sunrise.

After Emily and Mike picked me up they took me out for an amazing breakfast at Rosallie.

A beautiful assortment of pastries.

My rose mocha with a dusting of raspberries.

My delicious ham and cheese croissant sandwich and side salad.

For our first adventure Emily and Mike took me to Red Rock Canyon.

Calico Basin.

The rock in the foreground had some petroglyphs that could be over six thousand years old.

Driving to our next destination. Coming from Florida, it never ceases to amaze me how beautiful the mountains are. The colors and the changing landscapes are just breathtaking.

Mike and Emily with their dog Spartacus. Turtlehead Peak is behind them in the distance.

Emily and Myself. Photo by Mike Turczyk.

Mike and Emily.

Photo by Emily Jensen.

Emily making her way through a narrow pass in the mountains.

The fascinating variety of colors in the landscape.

More petroglyphs tucked away on a trail.

Layers of rock. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Blairsville to Ocala

The last morning in Georgia was followed by lots of driving and getting to spend a day with my sister Jenny in Ocala.

Mom watching the last sunrise over the mountains.

The fog rolling in.

Back at Jenny’s house I got to reunite with Amelia. Amelia had been roaming around where I lived and she was super friendly. Come to find out she was the indoor cat of one of my neighbors who put her outside because they were no longer able to care for her. They asked if I could take her but I felt like she would do better with my sister since she was already accustomed to being inside and outside. I brought her over to Jenny’s house in August and she is very well loved. 

Jenny regularly takes Clara and Amelia out for walks on the trails near her house. 



Jenny trying to coax the cats back to the house.

Myself and Jenny exploring more nature trails.


Thursday, October 27, 2022

Vogel State Park

Late in the afternoon we headed to Vogel State Park. The weather was cold and rainy but the clouds over the mountains were hauntingly beautiful.

A spiderweb covered in water droplets outside of a local convenience shop.

We passed a field with grazing livestock covered in mist on our way to the park.

Lake Trahlyta.


Some lovely flowers growing around the lake.