Tuesday, February 28, 2023


I realized one day that after years of adulting I had somehow ended up with having two stuffed animals on my bed. I used to carry around stuffed toys all the time when I was a kid. One particular favorite, a little green bear I called Tiger, was a constant companion for over four years. She had been washed a thousand times and had all the battles scars that proved she was well loved. I still have her, but somewhere along the way in an attempt to get closer to maturity I moved my stuffed animals out of sight. 

Despite my best efforts at adulthood and after all this time, they found their way back. 

The Hello Kitty was from Build-A-Bear probably around 2004-2006. My early college years. I always had a soft spot for Hello Kitty and at the time I was dating a guy who never lost his love of toys. He took me to Build-A-Bear and I had a fun time watching her get filled with fluff and picking out her little dress. 

I must have moved seven or eight times after that. She got put in a box and was shuffled from place to place. I almost forgot I had her. Then Covid hit.

At that point I’d already been living alone for a while but for the better part of two years I was almost completely isolated. I was still able to call my friends and visit family from time to time, but what I craved was to be comforted. I went through the box that had all my stuffed animals and I found her again. Not being from my childhood she was still in good shape. I know it was silly, but it made me feel a little better. To hold on to some small comfort from my childhood.

The bear wearing a pig costume I purchased recently as a whim from T.J. Maxx. So silly and absurdly cute, I just couldn’t resist. 

And there they were basking in the sun. Fluffy reminders of what I used to love so much as a child. 

That hazy place between maturity and rediscovery.

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