Sunday, January 26, 2020


One of the favorite things I had from my grandfather was a little clock he had repurposed into a picture frame. The picture that he used was a photo of himself, my grandmother, and my father from April 1959. It was the only photo of all three of them together. My grandmother would pass away a year later from complications with diabetes. 

I treasured that photo and the old clock it was set in. The one my grandfather gave new life to. For years it was the only thing I had that he had touched. 

A few years ago my father decided that he wanted it back. I was heartbroken but I couldn’t argue. It has always been his more than it ever was mine. Time passed and I always missed having it. 

Recently, I was in TJ Maxx and a small clock caught my eye. It didn’t look anything like the original frame but the retro design got me thinking. I bought the clock and the next time I went to visit my family I took photographs of my grandfather’s old frame.

Although my clock was lighter and the mechanisms were more simplified, it was a little more difficult than I had anticipated. 

There were small bits and pieces all over my desk and for a brief moment I though this was how my grandfather must have felt all those years ago. 

Slowly all the pieces can pack together. I had a copy of my grandfather’s photo from 1959 in a clock frame I had repurposed myself. Now, more than an object, I had a new memory I could attach to my grandfather. A simple act of history repeating.

My original post about my grandfather’s photo:

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