Saturday, January 2, 2021

Abercrombie Park

A little bird huddled at the base of the bench between my feet.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Grandma’s Recipes (2020)

Back in March I helped my parents clean out the garage. We ended up finding a small metal tin full of recipe cards. They belonged to my paternal grandmother Marie, who passed away when my father was only 12 years old. It came with us from Wisconsin in the mid nineties when we cleaned out my grandfather’s house and sat in the garage for 25 years. It looked like it had barely been touched since the 1950’s. It was still organized in alphabetical order and most cards were in her handwriting. 

I took photographs of a few of the recipes and I decided to make her macaroni and cheese with chocolate cake over the Christmas holiday. 

The cake recipes were separate from the frosting recipes so I just guessed at which two may go well together. The frosting came out runny mostly due to my cooking it on a high temp too long (I tried to compensate with a dusting of sprinkles). But it had a pretty color and it tasted good. 

Overall, it turned out well and my father said “it brought back a lot of memories”. 

Monday, December 14, 2020


I found this adorable picture of Ellie and her mama from 2017. All smiles, giggling as she reached for my phone. 

Monday, December 7, 2020

Grounded: The Art of Looking Down (Part 13)

Tybee Beach, Georgia

Mom and I standing over the glass panels on the SkyBridge in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. 

Hovering over a stream on the way down.

Mom and I at the base of Cataract Falls. 

Dipping our toes into the cool waters at various points along the Gatlinburg Trail.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Mid-Century Modern

Back in 2018 my friend Amanda was house sitting for one of the performers of The Blue Man Group. She invited me over for dinner and a good old-fashioned sleep over. The house was designed by a student of Frank Lloyd Wright and was built in the Mid-century modern style. The couple who owned the house had even gone so far as to choose furniture that looked like it was designed in 50’s. It was like stepping back into an elegant time capsule.

Amanda in the morning sun.

The sliding glass door; covered in dew and marked by slug trails.