Sunday, January 3, 2021

The Charles Hosmer Morse Museum of American Art

The Morse Museum is my favorite museum in Central Florida. It houses the worlds largest collection of works by Louis Comfort Tiffany. I hadn’t been in ages and decided to go on a whim. It was even more beautiful than I remembered.

This lovely vase was designed to look as though it was filled with water lilies.

The Aurora Window.

This stunning case was covered in enamel and glittering opals.

This book was about a hundred years old and was full of breathtaking watercolor jewelry designs. 

The famous Tiffany lamps.

One of the most fascinating collections was pottery that was made with portraits from Native American’s taken in the late 1800’s. 

The Chapel.


Elegant lamp made of metal.

The Magnolia Window.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Abercrombie Park

A little bird huddled at the base of the bench between my feet.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Grandma’s Recipes (2020)

Back in March I helped my parents clean out the garage. We ended up finding a small metal tin full of recipe cards. They belonged to my paternal grandmother Marie, who passed away when my father was only 12 years old. It came with us from Wisconsin in the mid nineties when we cleaned out my grandfather’s house and sat in the garage for 25 years. It looked like it had barely been touched since the 1950’s. It was still organized in alphabetical order and most cards were in her handwriting. 

I took photographs of a few of the recipes and I decided to make her macaroni and cheese with chocolate cake over the Christmas holiday. 

The cake recipes were separate from the frosting recipes so I just guessed at which two may go well together. The frosting came out runny mostly due to my cooking it on a high temp too long (I tried to compensate with a dusting of sprinkles). But it had a pretty color and it tasted good. 

Overall, it turned out well and my father said “it brought back a lot of memories”.